

If you purchased a product directly from or, we offer a 30 calendar day refund based on your original method of payment.

Simply follow 3 easy steps:

  1. Submit an RMA request here.
  2. Our Returns Team will notfiy you by email within 24 business hours once we receive the RMA form. Your return request will be reviewed and further updates will be provided by email upon assessment
  3. Once the RMA request is approved, please ship the product to the address provided by the support team for a refund. Customers will be notified once the package has been safely received and processed at our facility.

Requirements for Returns

  • Must include a valid original purchase order number from or from your purchase through our online store.
  • Please note all returns must include a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number, which you can request by emailing to
  • Our Customer Support Team will ask you to provide the reason for your return and you will need to provide your original order number as proof of purchase, including digital photograph of the defective product. Please have this information available for our swift follow up. You will receive your RMA form with # and instructions for the return via email.
  • Returning a product without an RMA # waives our responsibility of having to issue a refund, even if proof of delivery is available, due to our inability to match your purchase with the return; consequently leading to your loss of both the merchandise and any refund.
  • Returned products must be in their original packaging without any missing contents in 100% re-saleable condition (5% restocking fee will apply on returned orders).
  • Returned products not in their original packaging with missing contents are subject to a 15% restocking fee or more. Please note Catalyst® reserves the right to reject the entire return or may choose to impose additional restocking fee against the customer for replacement of any missing components in the package.
  • Return shipping is at buyer's cost unless stated otherwise by our support team.
  • Customer will be given a Product Refund—shipping & handling fees will NOT be refunded.
  • Returns and refunds are not applicable for discounted products.

    *Recommended: We require the customer to provide a tracking number/delivery confirmation on returned packages to ensure your return is received. Catalyst® is not liable for lost or stolen return packages during transit/delivery

    *Bundle Returns/Refunds: To receive a refund, you must return all items within the bundle. Whatever discounted bundled items are not returned, will convert into a full price purchase and the order will be refunded accordingly.

    If you purchased a product directly from, or, we offer a 30 calendar day refund based on your original method of payment.